“We have children come that are nine or ten years old and cannot read at all. Ava White, the founder, has these kids reading in 3-4 months. It’s unbelievable.”

— Martha Megahee

Read the full article by American Federation for Children.

“I teach children with mild learning
disabilities such as dyslexia. The Wilson Reading System enables children with these reading difficulties the ability to read. It is encouraging and rewarding to watch a child that encounters many struggles with reading become avid readers once they experience the Wilson Reading System.”

— Educator, Kris M.

“My child now reads for fun. He asks to go to the library and bookstores to find new non-fiction books. He works with his younger siblings and helps them with their phonics. He is finally happy and making new friends. He seeks out information on his own and is able to be independent in his learning.”

— Parent

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